Egg is an excellent source of protein and it contains complete amino acid unlike other protein source of food. We used to consume chicken egg but beside the common chicken egg. People also know the quail egg especially Asian countries people especially Japanese, Chinese and Indonesian. Quail egg is the egg of quail bird which has smaller size rather than chicken egg but it contains many nutrients and even the nutritional value of quail egg is three or four times greater than other types of eggs such as chicken egg.

Many people that are eating quail eggs are actually growing their own in their backyard. It is not hard to do, and you can find plenty of DIY tutorials on the web that will teach you how to build your own quail pen. Many quail keepers state that once you have built the pen, it takes only 10 - 30 minutes a day to maintain it and gather the eggs you are going to eat for that day.

1. Promote brain function

Quail eggs contain amino acid and great protein level which can help to stimulate the brain function and nourish the nerve system in brain so it can work better. The amino acid or protein in quail eggs also protect the brain cells from damage and repair the cell if its broken.

2. Prevent anemia

Study show that women who consume quail egg regularly tend to have lower risk of developing anemia. Quail eggs contains iron which can help in red blood cell formation and prevent anemia while the amino acid in quail egg also may increase the level of haemoglobin within the red blood cells. The haemoglobin itself is a protein which play important role in oxygen and nutrient binding as well as transportation through all parts of the body.

3. Purify the blood

Quail egg have been proved can help the body to remove certain heavy metals and toxin such as mercury. The amino acid and other component of quail eggs can bind the toxin and flush it away from the body. This make quail eggs as blood purifier.

4. Enhance body development

Protein is the main body building block and it is required in the development process of the body especially in children. Quail contains high amount of protein which may promotes body development and it also promotes better organs function within the body.

5. Boost immune system

Quail eggs contain many amino acid including lysine and it can boost immune function. Lysine or a type of amino acid is known can promote the antibodies production and support the immune function response.

6. Prevent diabetes

Who knows that quail egg can prevent diabetes. Study reported that quail egg contains amino acid especially Leucine which can help in regulating blood sugar level and maintain the balance level of insulin that makes it a good food to prevent and treat diabetes.

7. Maintain healthy skin

Quail eggs is an excellent source of protein and it contains Lysine, an amino acid that can promotes the collagen production. Collagen is a type of protein that is required in keeping skin layer tightness and prevent it from sagging and wrinkle.

8. Maintain healthy metabolism

Quail egg contain many nutrients including Vitamin B complex which is important to keep energy balance through maintaining normal metabolism. The vitamin B complex include the vitamin B12 and B6 are the keys of several metabolic enzymes and they play crucial roles in the energy production.

9. Build muscle

The high protein content of quail egg makes it perfect as a food for building muscle. If you want to have great muscle tone you can consume quail eggs regularly and taking exercise as well.

10. Reduce the risk of heart disease

Quail egg contains important nutrients and vitamins that can reduce the risk of heart disease by 24% according to study by Lee et al in 2010. This benefits served by the presence of Vitamin E or tocopherol.

11. Improve vision

Quail egg contains some amount of vitamin A that is vital part of the eyes organs. To maintain healthy eyes, taking quail eggs regularly will be very helpful especially to prevent age macular degeneration that occur mostly in older age.

12. Promotes healthy hair

Health Benefits of Quail Eggs could be promotes healthy hair. Quail egg contains many amino acid especially the Linoleat acid that can nourish the hair roots and promote healthy hair growth.

13. Promotes bones development

The amino acid contents in quail egg especially Lysine also play important role in bones development especially in children.

14. Lower blood pressure

Quail eggs not only rich in protein but it also rich in fatty acids such as DHA or Docosahexaenoic acid. DHA is a type of fatty acid which can help in normalize the blood pressure within the body and reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease.