Side Effect Of Beetroot Juice Must Know Before Including It In Your Diet

Beetroots basically contain antioxidants, fiber, minerals and vitamins and they also belong to the spinach and chard family! Well, apart from detoxification, some of the other essential benefits of consuming beetroot.

Have you made up your mind to start including beets in your diet as well?  But we would suggest you to continue scrolling down to learn about some of the side effects of beetroot juice as well.

If you are as confused as me when I first heard about it, then here is a list of 10 side effects of consuming beet juice that will help you understand the case on a deeper level.

1) Kidney Stones
The high levels of betaine and oxalate in beets can aggravate existing kidney problems or give rise to new ones. Therefore, people who have kidney stones must at all costs avoid consuming beet juice.

Even those with weak kidneys must consult with their doctors before adding beetroots to their daily diet.

 2) Temporary Paralysis of the Vocal Cords
Consuming beet juice directly or in a concentrated form can lead to a temporary paralysis of the vocal cords. While temporary may sound like an easy condition, it is not so once it actually happens.

A paralysis of the vocal cord, yes, a temporary one too, can cause a person to get restless and anxious. Some have also reported panic attacks due to the condition.

However, it can be avoided by consuming it in a diluted form or mixed with other vegetables and fruits.

3) Beeturia
Beeturia is the condition of reddening of urine (and stool in some cases) due to over-consumption of beet juice. The urine (or stool) may either appear completely red which may give the feeling that blood is being released with it or it may even be light pink.

Although it is not really a disease but it definitely is something that can have an alarming effect on someone who doesn’t know its cause.

However, we do want to give a word of caution here, about not taking the condition lightly and consulting with your doctor to confirm that it is not serious.

4) Calcium Deficiency
Several research reports have suggested that drinking beet juice can often lead to a reduction in the calcium levels in the human body.

Therefore, it can have a negative impact on the bones. Especially, for women who start reporting low calcium levels after the age of 30 and also for the old generation that already has weak bone structures and various calcium deficiency diseases.

5) Increase the Accumulated Levels of Minerals
Rich in iron, beet juice can increase the accumulated levels of minerals like copper, iron, magnesium, and phosphorous in the body. It can also lead to hemochromatosis which is the over-accumulation of iron in the human body.

6) Fever
The antioxidants in the beetroot lead to a process called detoxification which is the flushing out of the toxins from the body.

Detoxification is also the latest fad catching up on the internet with several celebrities posting about them. However, if consumed in a large amount, the sudden detoxification caused by beetroots can occasionally lead to mild fever and other flu-like symptoms.

7) Blood pressure
While it is a God-sent ingredient for those with higher blood pressure, the same cannot be said for those with a blood pressure on the lower side.

Beetroot is known as an ingredient which helps in lowering blood pressure and can thus be dangerous for those with a medically diagnosed low blood pressure.

So, if you feel your blood pressure has been keeping low on a regular basis, don’t forget to check the quantity of beetroot or beet juice you have been consuming.

8) Liver health
The detoxification doesn’t always end up giving positive results for everyone. Consuming beetroot in excess of the prescribed limit can worsen the condition of those suffering from liver diseases.

This happens because while consumption quantity is in our hands, the same cannot be said for the release of toxins. The body has its process and pace for the same.

Therefore, overconsumption can result in an increase in the level of stored toxins in the liver.

9) Upset Stomach
If you have a sensitive stomach that faces ups and downs on a regular level, then beetroot consumption in higher quantity is a big no for you.

Overeating with beetroots can lead to flatulence, cramping, bloating along with constipation and diarrhea at times.

Those with gastrointestinal diseases or weak bowel movements should thus avoid consuming beetroot in huge quantities if not entirely altogether.

10) Rashes
Many people report allergies to root vegetables, and same is the case with beetroots. While it isn’t that common, the condition can lead to irritation of the skin along with mild fever and chills.

It may look like a symptom of common flu, but if you notice its happening after consumption of beetroot, then you can simply join the dots and link it to the inclusion of beetroots in your diet.