Powerfull Benefits of Khus Khus (Poppy Seeds)

Poppy seeds, known as khus khus in Hindi, contain good amounts of minerals like calcium, potassium, magnesium and iron. These black seeds are rich in dietary fibre and essential fatty acids, which play a key role in maintaining overall health. Commonly used to add flavour to cereal or for healthy salad dressing, poppy seeds are known to provide myriad health benefits. Here are some of them.   

Khus-khus are the tiny seeds in the shape of the kidney, also known as Poppy seeds. They are harvested from dried seed pods and are widely used in many countries. Khus-khus provide many health benefits to human body. Being rich in Omega-6 fatty acids, proteins and fibres, they are very beneficial for the overall immune system.

Below mentioned are some important health benefits of Khus Khus:

1. Relieve Constipation
At some point in everyone's life, they become constipated. Since poppy seeds contain so much fiber they can add bulk to food and help to ease constipation. Additionally, they will help the person to feel full for a longer period of time and thus help in weight loss. Simply crush some seeds and add them to your meal for the most khus khus benefits.

2. Induce sleep
In case you suffer from insomnia or fatigue, the milk extract of poppy seeds mixed with sugar is a great way to combat sleep problems. Poppy seeds are packed with a number of compounds that help in the production of neurotransmitters, thereby helping your brain function optimally.

3. Improve Heart Health
An excellent source of essential fatty acids such as linoleic acid, which helps to lower cholesterol in the body, simply add a few seeds to your food (sprinkle it on your dinner) will greatly improve your heart health and it may help in the prevention of a heart attack or heart disease.

4. Prevent bone damage
Calcium, along with phosphorus, plays a significant role in improving your bone health. Poppy seeds also contain manganese which is known to help in collagen (protein that protects the bones from damaging) production. Apply a paste made from khus khus seeds to get quick relief from joint pain and swelling.

5. Combat skin infections
Poppy seeds are known to be an effective natural remedy for skin infections like dry itch and skin rashes. These seeds contain anti-inflammatory compounds that play a key role in combating skin infections. If you suffer from any of these conditions, you can use this remedy. Make a thick paste of poppy seeds by adding few drops of fresh lime juice. Rub this paste over the affected area to get rid of skin infections like burning sensation or itching of the skin.

6. Enhance Brain Function
It's long been known that calcium, iron and even copper are found in poppy seeds. Since these three minerals can help to regulate the neurotransmitters in your brain and improve its function they will go far in helping you to retain your memory and improve or enhance your brain function.

7.Boost Immunity
One of the most common causes of an impaired immune system is the body's deficiency in zinc. Khus khus seeds are rich in zinc and thus will help to improve your immune system. They improve the cell structure of cells that fight off disease and other viruses and thus can boost immunity.

8.Prevent mouth ulcers
In Ayurveda it is believed that mouth ulcers can be caused due to too much heat in the body. But consuming poppy seeds, which are known to have cooling effect on the body, helps in relieving mouth ulcers naturally. Mix some sugar to crushed khus khus seeds and consume this mixture for instant relief from ulcers.