10 Ways to Avoid Holiday Weight Gain

Over the course of the holiday season, you’ll be faced with decadent desserts, rich beverages, and holiday festivities that disrupt your normal eating routine. Most people don’t want to give up any holiday foods or activities. Indulging is okay…to a point.

Go ahead and celebrate, but make a commitment to celebrate with moderation and balance in mind. Don’t view this commitment as a form of self-denial; rather, view it as a way to enjoy the indulgences of the season without harming your health. If you can keep the pounds off now, you may not have to deal with managing your weight loss later!

Here Ways to Avoid Holiday Weight Gain :

1. Weigh yourself twice a week

That's often enough to make sure you stay on track, but not so often that you take all the fun out of holiday noshing, says Michael Dansinger, MD, an assistant professor at Tufts University School of Medicine. Step on the scale first thing in the morning when your stomach is empty.

2. Start your day with a bang

Exercising in the morning can help ensure better behavior all day long, according to a study published in the journal Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise.

Using brain scans, researchers found that when women worked out in the a.m., they not only moved more the rest of the day, but they also responded less to pictures of tempting food compared with the days they didn't do a morning workout. The upshot: fewer cravings for high-fat fare.

3. Just say no—everywhere

Willpower is like a muscle: Work it and you get stronger. What's key is to practice keeping yourself in check in non-food situations, too. "Whether you're driving in rush hour traffic or dealing with a temperamental kid, there are challenges that require self-control," Dr. Dansinger says.

Succeed in not honking at that rude driver, he explains, and you'll be better able to resist dessert at the party.

4. Avoid banking calories

Cutting back all day so you can indulge at an event that night only sets you up for a pig-out.

Why? You're freaking starving! "It's easy to get out of control when you're faced with high-calorie choices," says Tanya Zuckerbrot, RD, author of The Miracle Carb Diet.

Be sure to eat your three squares and a couple of snacks. Aim for lots of fruits and veggies, whole grains, and lean protein.

5. Concentrate your workouts

So what if you can't get to your favorite yoga class or find time for the treadmill? "Even just 15 minutes can help you maintain your fitness level," Dr. Church says. For example, jumping rope for 15 minutes torches about 190 calories; a quick yoga sequence at home can help you stay flexible.

6. Don't swear off desserts

But practice the three-bite rule to keep your sweet tooth in check. "You'll get that amazing first taste, a satisfying middle one, and then a lingering third bite," Zuckerbrot says.

7. Avoid morning-after food

Have the night of your life, then send guests home with food-filled Tupperware. "It's the leftovers that do you in," says Lauren Slayton, RD, founder of Foodtrainers in New York City.

Repeat after us: Out of sight, out of mind...

8. Drum up some willpower

Under the spell of that peppermint bark you co-worker brought to the office? Before you succumb, try this simple trick: Place the thumb and fingers of one hand on your forehand, a half inch apart.

Tap each finger one at a time, once per second, telling yourself, "Hold on." Wait 15-20 minutes (return phone calls, check email), and the craving will disappear, according to Tufts University Research. Sounds crazy, but it works.

9. Cut back on diet soda

In fact, any bubbly beverage can lead to belly bloat, explains Zuckerbrot. "The carbon dioxide trapped in the bubbles of fizzy drinks causes a buildup of air, which can lead to gas.

10. Brew up a pot of peppermint tea

Research shows peppermint can help calm stomach muscles and reduce gas. Not a fan? Try chamomile, suggests Bonnie Taub-Dix, RD, author of Read It Before You Eat It.