Health Benefits of Mangosteen Juice

Mangosteen juice is made from the tropical fruit known as Garcinia Mangostana. It is called “the queen of fruits” in Asia, because of its unique appearance and extensive health benefits. Is is recorded to have originated in Indonesia. Currently is grown in many areas in Southeast Asia as well as some parts of Africa.

The juice is used as a supplement to help with a variety of ailments as well as to promote overall good health. In Southeast Asia, this fruit has traditionally been used as a part of the people’s natural healing and diet. Western medicine has more recently researched the attributes of consuming mangosteen and have found many positive results.

Health Benefits of Mangosteen Juice,that is :

1. Reducing Inflammation

Systemic inflammation in people who are obese may lead to further health problems including diabetes and heart disease. Researchers studied mangosteen juice to see if it could lower signs of inflammation in obese volunteers. An article in "Nutrition Journal" reported that volunteers who drank mangosteen juice twice daily showed a significant reduction in inflammatory markers in their bloodstream, while markers for inflammation in a control group that received a different juice concoction didn't change. The authors cautioned that more studies are necessary to confirm the benefits of mangosteen juice and determine if there are any negative side effects.

2. Gum Disease

Although results from scientific research are still very preliminary, scientists are studying mangosteen as a possible weapon against the gum disease known as periodontitis. A study described in "Complementary Therapies in Medicine" reported that patients who applied a gel containing mangosteen juice to their gums improved more than patients in a control group. Both groups also received the standard treatment for periodontitis. The authors concluded that mangosteen gel could eventually be a helpful accompaniment to more traditional periodontal treatment. If you are having problems with your gums, see your dentist.

3. Antioxidant Effects

The function of an antioxidant is to fight against the free radicals that cause cellular damage and that have been implicated in the development of heart disease and cancer. Free radicals are naturally produced by the body as it breaks down food, but are also created by environmental factors like tobacco smoke, radiation and pollution. Mangosteen juice is high in antioxidants, especially the potent ones known as xanthones. Xanthones are found only in a few tropical plants, and mangosteen is the richest source. According to the National Cancer Institute, the science on antioxidant consumption is preliminary, but some studies indicate that they may guard against the development of cancer. Mangosteen juice and other sources of antioxidants, however, are not effective treatments for any disease.