Chiken feet or chicken claw is a food made from chicken legs. Chicken feet is the most popular among us. Many people do not like it and many reasons were given such disgust, because it was a chicken leg used to scratch all kinds of objects, and a variety of other reasons.

But do we know unpopular despite the chicken feet that it contains nutrients that are unknown to many. So, from now do not yet disposed of chicken feet. Make it one of the food sources that contribute to good health.

To prevent osteoporosis someone usually advised to reduce risk factors and improve nutritional intake and exercise regularly. Taking drinks or foods that contain high calcium is one way to prevent osteoporosis attacks.

Did you know that the chicken feet health benefits are numerous. Here are the facts chicken feet benefits in health:

1. Improve Immune System

Eating chicken feet is very nutritious to boost the immune system. This is because of the mineral content which is very beneficial to build health. It also contains collagen and some minerals such as copper, magnesium, phosphorus, zinc and also calcium. Some of these minerals are useful in overcoming attacks from diseases. So by consuming it regularly can boost the immune system in the body.

2. Rejuvenate Skin

Chicken feet is rich of collagen that is good for skin. It helps skin to regenerate its cell and maintain it from harm. It also increases the elasticity of skin and prevents premature aging that makes skin look wrinkled. Because of this effect, some doctors suggest to eat it for the skin beauty.

3. Increase Joint’s Strength and Prevent Fragile Bone

When people get old, the amount of calcium is decreased and the cell will be difficult to regenerate. It will be a different story if we consume chicken feet regularly because it has many nutrients such as calcium, protein, cartilage, and collagen that help strengthen joint and prevent fragile bone that happens in old age.

4. Lower Blood Pressure

Chicken feet contain more collagen protein than chicken breast meat. This chicken feet’s  collagen protein has a function to lowers blood pressure. This collagen can lower plasma renin levels, so as not to make blood pressure becomes higher. It also contains potassium, so people who have hypertension will get better if consuming chicken feet.

In general, to make a delicious chicken feet soup will require a lot of salt. But, especially for people with high blood pressure is usually sensitive to sodium, so it is not recommended using a lot of salt because salt can cause high blood pressure.

5. Make You Look Younger

Chicken feet contain very high collagen. In fact, the natural collagen level in it is similar to the collagen found in green leafy vegetables and fruits. Collagen is one of the specific substances needed to maintain skin elasticity for make skin healthier and looks younger.

In addition, the initially cracked and dry skin may return smooth and normal, then wrinkles and small lines of early signs of aging can be reduced. In fact, acne scars can be removed and can be prevented from returning.

6. Reduce Stress

Besides that, chicken feet also produce several types of amino acids that are very good for the body. One type of amino acid that is released from the claws is arginine. This is a type of amino acid that is beneficial to the body. One is to help the body in releasing hormones that cause feelings of distress and stress.

7. Keep Your Nails Healthy

What’s more health benefits of chicken feet? Our body needs collagen to maintain the strength of the nail structure. Collagen can be found in chicken feet, so those who frequently consume chicken feet every day will tend to have healthy and strong nails.

Chicken feet also contain amino acids, glycine, and also proline which that content is able to help you to maintain healthy body and nails. When chicken claws are ripened, they usually release a special liquid or gel that contains gelatin content. Well, this nutritional content that will help the body to process the calcium which is absorbed by the nail.

More Chicken Feet Benefits

Here are more health benefits of chicken feet which we consume :

1. Good for diet

2. Cure arthritis problem

3. For baby food and growth

4. Increase children brain intelligence

5. Manage heart rate