There are certain foods with a well-earned reputation for supporting and cleansing the liver. Adding any of these to your daily diet will provide extra nutritional support for this cleansing program.

Best Foods for Your Liver :

1. Lemons Fresh lemon juice is the best food for helping your liver make more enzymes. The fresh juice has a chemical structure very similar to many of the body's own digestive enzymes so it is great in providing raw materials for the creation of liver enzymes. As an antioxidant, lemon juice can work on and stabilize free radicals that are released into the bloodstream during digestion. An antiseptic, it also helps neutralize harmful bacteria. Fresh lemon juice squeezed into water is easy to take and is the top daily diet addition for cleansing and stimulating the liver.

2. Beets and beet tops are excellent for toning and rebuilding the liver. Beets are the richest food source of betaine a natural liver detoxifier and bile thinner. They also increase the liver's efficiency in processing fats. Beets are good sources of easily assimilable iron, B vitamins, and antioxidants. Shredded raw beets combined with a little lemon juice daily make a fantastic liver support dish. Beets can be boiled, roasted, grated raw or steamed in salad, or juiced with other vegetables.

3. Turmeric is spice strong in antioxidant lwhcih protects the liver and aids in liver regeneration. Use it in sauces, dips, stir fry, on vegetables and in stews and soups. A traditional Indian flavor.

4. Garlic activates liver enzymes responsible for absorbing nutrients and cleansing waste and toxins in liver tissue. The selenium and allicin in garlic are vital for correct liver functioning. Garlic also contains the amino acid methionine that aids the liver by cleansing pollutants through the urine.

5. Leafy Green Vegetables like chard, kale and collards, and Broccoli, Cabbage and Brussel sprouts are high in anti-oxidants, vitamins, minerals and other phytochemicals that the liver needs to produce enzymes for the detoxification process.

6. Avocados supply the liver with the antioxidant glutathione which it uses in detoxification and for repair of its own liver tissue.

7. Artichoke stimulates bile and contains antioxidants which help protect the liver.

8. Apples Gallstones can form from too much cholesterol in your bile which causes it to solidifiy. The pectin in apples is high in soluable fiber which binds with fats and cholesterol. Pectin also helps bind heavy metals thus lightening the load on the liver for their detoxification.

Liver Cleanse Effectively Removes Toxins

Today, we are faced with so many environmental toxins occurring in our homes, places of work and in our food supply. It is essential for our general health and well-being to keep our livers functioning properly. Below are some of the risk factors associated with impaired liver function.

- Low potassium levels
- Heavy alcohol abuse
- Intravenous drug use
- Blood transfusions prior to 1992
- Exposure to certain industrial chemicals and environmental toxins
- Unprotected sex
- Obesity and a diet high in saturated fats, and processed foods
- Tattoos or body piercings
- High levels of triglycerides in the blood
- Prescription medications including acetaminophen
- Viral infections
- Autoimmune diseases

6-Step Liver Cleanse:

Follow these six steps to help boost your health and vitality:

1. Remove toxic foods from your diet.

2. Drink raw vegetable juice.

3. Load up on potassium-rich foods.

4. Do a coffee enema.

5. Take milk thistle, dandelion and turmeric supplements.

6. Eat liver or take beef liver tablets.