Benefits Of Kerson Fruits Many People Don’t Know

The kerson fruit (Muntingia calabura) is a flowering plant that bears Jamaican cherries and is grown mainly in warm areas, such as India and Southeast Asia. The tree is indigenous to Central America, tropical South America, Mexico, and Trinidad among other places.

The cherries can be eaten as is and are also used in making jams and tarts as well as in tea infusions. Although little known, this tree, along with its fruits and leaves, has multiple health benefits.1 To derive the effects of the fruit, eat about 10–12 kerson cherries every day or opt for tea infused with kerson leaf extracts.

According to researchers and nutritionists and as featured on Lifehack, here are some of Kerson Fruit’s benefits:

1. The fruits are packed with antibacterial agents

Our world of medicine today has one big problem: the bacteria of all types are becoming resistant to the antibiotics we can produce. Due to over usage of antibiotics, bacteria have mutated, are consistently growing stronger and more resistant strains. Thankfully, Kerson Fruit is a natural antibiotic that will fight staph, intestinal bacteria, sepsis, and diphtheria. Further testing may prove its value in fighting other kinds of bacteria as well.

2. They are a huge source of Vitamin C

100 grams of the Kerson berries equals to 150 mgs of Vitamin C. In fact, this vitamin helps to prevent flu and colds, has strong antioxidants, and even works to improve some types of cardiovascular disease.

3. They help relieve gout

The painful form of arthritis, called gout, is caused by a buildup of uric acid in your system, usually from consuming too much ofa certain types of food and the lack of water. Kerson Fruits, when eaten three times a day in groups of 9-12, will relieve the worst part of gout; the pain.

4. They help relieve severe headache

If you suffer from severe headaches due to blood vessel constriction, just pluck a handful of Kerson Fruits to relax the vessels and encourage the blood to flow normally again.

5. They are great snacks for those with diabetes

People who live with diabetes have to regularly monitor their blood sugar levels and take medication or injections for their entire lives. Fortunately, Kerson Fruit helps lower blood sugar. It can means less medicine or lower injection doses. The fruit is also a good preventive against diabetes.

6. They are stuffed with strong antioxidant properties

A chemical process called oxidation in our bodies releases free radicals, the uncharged molecules with damaging effects and are considered to be culprits in cancer and other diseases. To cope with those nasty free radicals, our bodies need antioxidants, which generously contained in the Kerson Fruits. In fact, the fruit contains 24 different flavonoids and phenolic compounds, two “heroes” that will prevent the free radicals from harming our bodies.

7. It’s literally packed with nutrients

As a nutrient-dense fruit, Kerson, also known as Panama Berry, contains many nutrients such as fiber, carbs, protein, calcium, phosphorous, iron, and B-vitamins, and some of them are great mood enhancers. So, from now on, you won’t dare to underestimate this little red fruit anymore, will you?

Finding Kerson Fruit in Indonesia and other Asian countries is pretty easy. You can spot them grow wild on the side of the road or in people’s yards. You may want to plant one, because Kerson Tree is quite easy to nurture.

But if you live in a non-Asian country, getting the fruit is a bit challenging. However, you can buy them online in liquid form or supplements. According to nutritionists, they are just as beneficial as the Kerson fruits themselves.