The atis fruit, or sugar apple, is the fruit of the Annona squamosa, which is native to the West Indies and tropical Americas like Mexico, Central America, and Peru.

The atis fruit is considered a juicy and creamy fruit with a white pulp and up to 40 black seeds. Also, the exterior is knobbly, rough, and grayish-green.

First off, the sugar apple pulp is high in carbs and is also rich in phosphorus, vitamin C, and calcium. The atis fruit seeds contain neutral resin and alkaloids.

It also has a sugar content ratio of 50% glucose and 50% sucrose. Other micronutrients found in atis fruit include:Vitamin B1,Vitamin B2,Macronutrients,Carbs,Fiber,Protein,Iron,Magnesium,Vitamin B3,Vitamin B6,Copper,Vitamin A.

Health Benefits of Atis Fruit for human health is very important, its nutrient could help our body healthy. Atis fruit or sugar apple provides many benefits for your body. Here are some of those benefits :

1. Improve digestion system

Atis fruit contains rich fiber that are commonly know serve many benefits for digestion system. Fiber is subtance which can help bowel movement, and ease the process of digestion in intestine.

2. Prevent from cancer

This is the most fascinating benefits that fruits gives to you. As common fruit, atis contains anti-oxidant, the main factor to combat and neutralizing free radicals that possibly trigger DNA damage and causing cancer. The antioxidant function in atis fruit is served by Vitamin C and beta – caroten. In one single serving of atis fruit, contain 40mg of Vitamin C

3. Maintain healthy heart

Again the fiber contained in atis fruit also play role in keeping healthy cardiovasculary tract. By keeping normal blood circulation and blood vessel, consuming atis fruit regularly can help you to keep your heart healthy and reduce the risk of developing heart disease. Atis fruit also contains amounts of potassium which important in keeping regular heart beat.

4. Calming nerve

The sweet scene of atis fruit may relax your feeling and you will be better when you eat it. Atis fruit contains magnesium that are very important in neural function. It hepls to calming nerve and induce neurotransmitter in brain that may affect to your mood.

5. Alleviate stress

As it has calming nerve effect, means that by consuming atis fruit you can reduce your level of stress. Take some amount of atis fruit and eat it with ice cream that will do to help you remove stress.

6. Keep beauty skin

Everyone loves beauty skin especially woman, atis fruit contains high number of Vitamin C which acts as antioxidant that protect the skin from free radical exposure. Vitamin C also responsible to brighten your skin and make it glowing. Some women even made atis as face mask to lighten up the skin and remove dullness.

7. Cure constipation

Drinking atis fruit juice will not only quench your thirst but also prevent and cure constipation. Atis fruit contains fiber which promote healthy bowel movement and increase digestive function, and reduce the risk of developing constipation. Atis fruit also contain copper, a mineral which help to reduce constipation.

8. Relaxing muscle

Feeling tired and stiff after gym or working? Dont worry. Atis fruit may help you to relax your muscle. High amount of magnesium contained in atis fruit will help you to relax your muscle and it also remove the accumulation of lactic acid in muscle that caused fatigue.

9. Help in weight loss

Curvy waist line and losing body fat is a dream for some people. Atis fruit can help you to make it real. Consuming atis fruit regularly can help you increase bulk in the stomach and prevent you from hunger. It is also reduce the fat cell in the body so if you are in a diet program, you can include atis fruit into your meal.

10. Prevent from scurvy

Health benefits of atis fruits is for preventing scurvy. Scurvy is a health problem which occur in mouth. It is usually caused by bacteria infection. Atis fruit contains Vitamin C that may help to prevent scurvy and inhibit the bacteria growth in mouth.

11. Maintain healthy metabolism and provide energy

A group of Vitamin B complex is contained in atis fruit. Vitamin B complex are required in the body metabolism process. They are the component of enzyme and cofactor which undergo the metabolism process. Metabolism is important for the body to provide energy and maintain organ, cells and tissue function.

12. Lowering cholesterol level

Fiber has potential effect in lowering blood cholesterol serum and prevent it from blocking the blood vessel. Atis fruit rich in fiber and it also contains niacin, one of Vitamin B type which has significant effect in increasing good fat or HDL ( High Density Lipoprotein ) in the body.