- 800 ml of liquid milk
- 200 grams of durian without seeds
- 115 grams sugar
-1/4 tsp salt
- 1 1/2 packs of gelatin powder
- 1 egg yolk
- 4 drops of yellow coloring
Sauce Ingredients:
- 200 grams sugar
- 400 ml of hot water
- 30 grams sugar
- 1 tablespoon cornstarch, dissolved with 1 tablespoon water
How to make:
1. Blend durian with some milk until smooth. Boil blenderan durian, remaining milk, sugar, salt, agar2 and yellow dyes. Aduk2 until bubbling.

3. Enter the yellow coloring and stir well. Pour into baking pan, freeze.
How to make the sauce:
1. Gosongkan some sugar, pour water and stir until sugar dissolves. Add the remaining sugar, bring to a boil.
2. Thicken with cornstarch solution. Boil again, stirring frequently, until meletup2.
3. Serve pudding with caramel sauce.
Benefits of durian :
1. Reduces Blood Pressure
Durian is a rich source of potassium, and since potassium is such an integral part of the salt and fluid balance throughout the cells of the body, potassium levels also dictate blood pressure. When plenty of potassium is present, the blood vessels can relax, reduce the stress on the cardiovascular system, and reduce the chances of developing conditions like atherosclerosis, heart attacks, and strokes. Reduced stress on the veins and arteries also increases oxygenated blood flow to the brain, and studies have shown that potassium levels can, therefore, help boost cognitive function and memory, reducing the risk of developing Alzheimer’s and Dementia.
2. Anti-aging
In traditional, herbal medicine, durian was often hailed as a tool to battle aging, and was one of the main reasons why people called it the “king of fruits”. It turns out that durian has a wide variety of antioxidant properties stemming from its vitamin and organic chemical makeup that actively reduce the number of free radicals in the body. Eating an excessive amount of durian can seriously boost your body’s ability to eliminate those free radicals, thereby reducing the chances of premature aging and delaying the appearance of symptoms such as wrinkles, age spots, macular degeneration, hair loss, tooth loosening, arthritis, cancer, and heart diseases. Eat enough durian, and you can feel, look, and act younger than you have in years!
3. Cures Insomnia
Durian contains tryptophan, the organic chemical closely associated with falling asleep after Thanksgiving since it is found in massive doses in turkey. By adding tryptophan to your diet, it enters your brain, is converted to serotonin, which induces a feeling of relaxation and happiness. The excess serotonin then releases melatonin into the bloodstream, which causes the body to feel tired, and eventually pass out. If you suffer from insomnia, have a few pieces of durian before you try to fall asleep and see the results for yourself!
4. Treats Sexual Dysfunction
A number of studies have recently been conducted to evaluate the potential of durian meat to act as an aphrodisiac. The results are in, and it can produce intensified sexual libido and stamina, and also reduce the chances of infertility in men and women, and increase sperm motility. All in all, it is an aphrodisiac in every sense of the word!.
5. Prevents Cancer
As mentioned earlier, durian has a wealth of vitamins, nutrients, and organic chemicals that function as antioxidants. In the battle against cancer, free radicals are vitally important, because, during cell metabolism, there are byproducts created, called free radicals. These free radicals can destroy the DNA of regular cells and convert them to cancer cells, which can then metastasize or form fatal, tumorous growths. All of the antioxidants which reduce oxidative stress on the organs of the body are bonuses to the immune system, and durian is packed with them, including vitamin C, vitamin B complex, and vitamin E, as well as phytonutrients that battle cancerous cells.
6. mproves Bone Health
Durian is a great source of magnesium, potassium, manganese, and copper, all of which play an integral role in developing and sustaining bone strength and durability. Potassium also increases the efficiency of nutrient uptake by the cells, so it maximizes many beneficial minerals the body takes in, also improving bone health. These essential minerals help to prevent the development of osteoporosis for patients of any age.
7 Treats Anemia
Durian contains different minerals, but there are high levels of folic acid within durian as well, which is an essential component in the production of red blood cells. Also, durian is a good source of iron and copper, two other essential components of red blood cells; once RBC production is back to normal, symptoms of anemia will disappear, which include indigestion, migraines, fatigue, anxiety, and cognitive malfunction.