How are you? Indonesian Food Recipes this time will share with you the recipe Indonesian food from East Java, precisely from Surabaya city. Our recipe this time is the native cuisine of the city of Surabaya-based beef.
Rawon, yups this time we will cook Rawon. Rawon itself has been known since the Dutch colonization in Indonesia. Rawon antiquity is food for the Dutch nobility but now had menhadi heritage foods commonly consumed every day. Even though sometimes the colour makes you wonder whether you should eat or not, the fact is this soup is really delicious. It’s good to serve it with white plain rice (nasi putih). And this dish is one of our favourite Indonesian foods, especially for my hubby.

Now take a look at the ingredients and how to make it.
Category : Soup
Difficulty : Easy
Cooking time : 45 – 60 minutes
– 250 gram Beef gram beef meat (use the part that has more fat )
– 1 stalk of spring onion, finely chopped (can also be substituted with chives)
– 2 kaffir lime leafs
– 2 salam leafs
– 1 stalk of lemon grass, bruised
– 2 cm galangal, bruised
– pepper and salt to taste
– 6 cups of water
Spice Paste :
– 5 shallots
– 3 cloves of garlic
– 4 candlenuts ( can be substituted with 6 of almonds)
– 1 cm ginger
– 1/2 teaspoon of coriander
– 1/2 tablespoon of turmeric powder
– a pinch of cumin
– 3 kluweks, take only the meat
– 2 red chillies, seeded (fresh or use chili powder if you like)
1. Put the beef and water in a large pan and simmer uncovered until beef is tender. When it’s tender, separate the meat and cut into small cube. Bring back to boil with low heat.
2. Grind or blend the spice paste.
3. Heat oil in heavy stock pot and sauté the spice paste together with lemongrass, galangal, salam leafs, lime kaffir leafs and kluwek over low heat for 3-5 minutes. You can add chilly powder or paprika powder if you like.
4. Bring the frying spice mixture into the pan with beef, simmer for 20 minutes. Season for taste with salt and pepper. Always add some more
5. Before it’s done, sprinkle with spring onion. Cook for another 5 minutes.