Although you may have heard of many effective weight-loss recipes, this one is probably the most health beneficial of all. Apart from burning the excess fat that’s built up on you waist, hips and thighs, ginger infused water can improve your health on several different levels.
This amazing refreshing beverage will detoxify your body and burn fat in no time. Here’s how to prepare it:

a. Thin slices of ginger root
b. 1.5 l. of water
c. Lemon (optional)

Bring the water to a boil, then add the ginger slices and cook on low heat for 15 minutes. Afterwards, remove the mixture from heat and leave it to cool down, then strain the liquid and the drink is ready.


1#Ginger water can regulate your cholesterol levels
High cholesterol levels and obesity are associated with several types of cancers and heart disease, but ginger water can effectively bring your cholesterol levels down and prevent fatal diseases from occurring. The drink will also reduce your blood pressure and thin your blood, making it a great natural remedy for hypertension or blood clots.

2.#Ginger water has strong anti-inflammatory effects
Another important health benefit of ginger water is that it can significantly reduce inflammation, joint swelling and pain, especially in conditions such as osteoarthritis and rheumatism. According to an article published in the “Journal of Medicinal Food“, this amazing root vegetable contains powerful anti-inflammatory properties.

3#Ginger water is a Powerful antioxidant
Ginger is rich in antioxidants which can fight free radicals in the body. The damage free radicals do to cells is often the cause of cancer and other diseases.

4# Ginger water can protect against cancer
Ginger water can be extremely efficient in preventing and inhibiting cancer development. According to an article published in the “British Journal of Nutrition“, ginger contains powerful anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties which can slow, even prevent the spread of certain cancers.