8 Teas That Help You Lose Excess Fat

It's widely known that just one cup of tea can prevent strokes, arthritis, tooth decay and even keep cancer at bay. While it's regarded as nature's tranquiliser for its soothing properties, the brew also has another great benefit - it helps shed weight. Scientists have shown that tea has high levels of compounds that battle the absorption of fat.

Here are 8 teas that can result in a slimmer you..
1. White Tea

White tea helps you burn fats in 3 different ways.
a. It blocks the building of new fat cells while boosting lipolysis (the process of breaking down stored fat).
b. White tea is also loaded with catechins, drinking tea that is rich in catechins leads to the reduction of fat as it triggers the release of fats from cells.
c. It also enhances the liver's ability to convert fat into energy.

2. Barberry Tea
The barberry shrub has berberine which is a natural fat burning chemical. Research conducted by Chinese found that berberine prevented weight gain and the formation of insulin resistance in rats. Scientists have also found that consuming the plant decreases the number of receptors on the surface of the fat cells, inhibiting their ability to store sources of flab.

3. Oolong Tea
Research reveals that oolong, a semi-fermented tea may have a stronger effect than even green tea. It promotes fat burning is said to help reduce cholesterol and the concentration of fat in the body. About two cups per day is recommended. Steep oolong tea anywhere from 30 seconds to five minutes, for a more full-bodied cup.

4. Green Tea
Green tea has numerous benefits, weight loss is just one of them. Green tea too is loaded with catechins, namely EGCG, EGCG is the anti-oxidative compound that breaks fat-tissue by boosting metabolism. If you're looking to cut belly fat and get a slimmer waist then green tea is the tea for you.

Research says the chemical EGCG found in green tea that speeds up the body's metabolism, is responsible for helping people lose the kilos - it can burn a whopping 70 calories a day! Green tea also raises the level of antioxidants. It's believed the antioxidant catechins in green tea boost metabolism and helps burn fat (can burn a whopping 70 calories a day!) Steeping time for the tea: two to three minutes at 85 Degrees Celsius.

5. Lemon Tea
Lemon tea is the answer to all problems related to bloating. Lemon tea's d-limonene content has been a home remedy since ancient times for its diuretic properties. A study published in the Journal of the Pharmaceutical Society of Japan that tested the effects of d-limonene on animals backed up its positive effects on bloating.

6. Rose tea: prevents constipation
One of the oldest flavouring teas available, rose tea - made by mixing fresh roses and the bud of the tea - has a major therapeutic effect on the human body. Apart from clearing toxins and beautifying the skin, rose tea contains vitamins A, B3, C, D and E and is known to act against infections. It also prevents constipation and helps one lose weight.

7. Varlerian Tea
Lack of sleep is a major contributor to weight gain; if you aren't sleeping well then your body needs more food to fuel your body, therefore, you are inclined to eat more then you really need to.

Your body also has higher levels of ghrelin (appetite-regulating hormone) when you are sleep derived which again causes you to eat more than you need to. Getting proper sleep should be able to help you drop some pounds.

Valerian tea can be considered a mild sedative that helps you sleep and drinking it regularly should help you drop a few pounds.

8. Mint Tea
If you like mint tea then try and rotate that with a green tea drink as both speed up digestion and thus help you burn more calories. The peppermint leaves can be used to make a light, refreshing tea, which can be drunk either hot or chilled. To prepare the tea, take a tablespoon of fresh or dried leaves and add them to boiling water and let it steep for four to five minutes. Strain and add honey, if needed.