Best-Ever Proteins for Weight Loss

You don't always need to rely on a protein powder or grilled chicken breasts (again). These proteins will help you slim down while preserving lean muscle.

You already know that eating protein is key when it comes to feeling satisfied with your meals and maintaining a weight loss effort. Protein helps build flubber-frying lean muscle mass, after all. But it seems that many of us have gotten into a rut, relying on just a few primary sources of the stuff. Not only can this cause taste bud fatigue, it can also deny your body of health-boosting nutrients found in protein-rich foods you're overlooking.

To help you break free of your oh-so-boring grilled chicken and egg routine, we've compiled a list of the best-ever proteins for weight loss across every food category. Whether you're a fan of fish, can't deny your love of dairy or stick to a meat-free meal plan, we've got the best options for your waistline.


1. Spinach
Protein Payout: 1 cup (cooked), 41 calories, 5 grams of protein

Popeye’s favorite veggie is a great source of not only protein but also vitamins A and C, antioxidants and heart-healthy folate. One cup of the green superfood has nearly as much protein as a hard-boiled egg—for half the calories. Looking to get the biggest nutritional bang for your buck? Be sure to steam your spinach instead of eating it raw. This cooking method helps retain vitamins and makes it easier for the body to absorb the green’s calcium content. Add a handful to soups, omelets, pasta dishes and veggie stir-fries, or simply steam it and top with pepper, garlic, olive oil and a squeeze of lemon. And don’t feel like you have to double down on the greens. Spinach is one of the 10 greens healthier for you than kale.

2. Sun-Dried Tomatoes
Protein Payout: 1 cup, 139 calories, 6 g protein

Tomatoes are packed with the antioxidant lycopene, which studies show can decrease your risk of bladder, lung, prostate, skin, and stomach cancers, as well as reduce the risk of coronary artery disease. Just one cup of the sun-dried version will lend you 6 grams of satiating protein, 7 grams of fiber and ¾ of your RDA of potassium, which is essential for heart health and tissue repair. They're also rich in vitamins A and K. Use them as a pizza topping, a tangy addition to salads, or snack on them right out of the bag.

3. Guava
Protein Payout: 1 cup, 112 calories, 4.2 g protein

The highest-protein fruit, guava packs more than 4 grams per cup, along with 9 grams of fiber and only 112 calories. With 600 percent of your DV of Vitamin C per cup — the equivalent of more than seven medium oranges! — the tropical fruit should merengue its way into your shopping cart ASAP. And while you're at the store, be sure to pick up some of these other surprising high-protein foods.

4. Artichokes
Protein Payout: 1 medium vegetable, 60 calories, 4.2 g protein

Ghrelin is your body's "I'm hungry" hormone, which is suppressed when your stomach is full, so eating satiating high-fiber and high-protein foods is a no-brainer. The humble artichoke is a winner on both counts: It has almost twice as much fiber as kale (10.3 g per medium artichoke, or 40 percent of the daily fiber the average woman needs) and one of the highest protein counts among vegetables. Boil and eat the whole shebang as a self-contained salad (why not add a little goat cheese and sun-dried tomatoes?), toss the leaves with your favorite greens and dressing, or peel and pop the hearts onto healthy pizzas and flatbreads.

5. peas
Protein Payout: 1 cup, 118 calories, 8 g protein

It's enough to make Popeye do a spit take: Despite their wimpy reputation, a cup of green peas contains eight times the protein of a cup of spinach. And with almost 100 percent of your daily value of vitamin C in a single cup, they'll help keep your immune system up to snuff. Layer them into a mason jar salad or add them to an omelet to boost eggs' satiating power. Speaking of omelets, check out these other fat-burning ways to eat eggs